Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My night in the ER...

I woke up at 1:10 a.m. last Sunday in Omaha while staying at my in-laws, used the restroom and found myself immediately bent over in PAIN on my right side.  I thought for sure it was my appendix.  I started to  remember my sister having pain like this when we were young.  She had her appendix out and blamed it on eating popcorn the night before.  I didn't have any popcorn so I just didn't know what this pain was from.  It hurt.  Not like labor pains hurt, but it hurt.  I tried to lay down and pretend I wasn't really having any pain, like, if I just denied it, it would go away.  Didn't go AWAY.  More pain.

I woke up Trent and we went to Methodist in Omaha, just up the street from where Trent's parents live.  They took a urine sample and told me I wasn't pregnant.  They drew blood and told me the pain wasn't from kidney stones.  PRAISE the Lord for that...I didn't even want to think about such a thing as kidney stones.  Trent was such a dear.  We waited a little longer.  They gave me a shot for the pain...yea!  That helped and made me sleepy.  They injected a dye into my system and sent me through the ct scanner appendicitis attack...okay, no surgery. (By the way, if you ever have this done, when they tell you it will feel like you wet your pants, it REALLY feels like you wet your pants).  So, I had an ultrasound done and they found a polyp in my gall bladder.  I looked this up on the internet last night and found out that polyps can be found in 5% of the population and are more common in men than women.  So glad I'm normal...

I'm 36 years old, eat healthy, feel pretty good most days and up until now, have felt like I'm 18.  We went home around 5:30 a.m.  Long night or short, any way you want to look at it, I left feeling strange.  For the first time, I really feel old, like, my body will not last forever.  I don't like this feeling and to tell you the truth, it's a little depressing.  I guess the next thing will be to have my gall bladder big deal.  I'm thankful that it's not cancer or something crazy, but, this has me thinking.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Here are my numbers...

I'm putting my brush down...

After 3 walk-in closets, 
1 small closet,
2 bathrooms,
1 office,
1 family room,
3 bedrooms,
1 entry way,
2 hallways,
1 landing,
1 living room,
1 dining room,
1 kitchen,
1 breakfast nook, and 
1 laundry room, 

I'm putting my paint brush down.  I didn't keep track of how many gallons of paint but I did this all in less than 365 days, 344 to be exact!  I can't believe it.  I'm done.  I need to finish painting 2 wooden chairs for Bennett's room and Kitt's bed, and a few touch ups, but, I'm done for now!  

Here are some of the colors I used,
creamy white,
antique white,
ambitious amber,
tansy green,
olive grove,
commander blue,
french roast,
glass of milk white,
and a few others.

This fall I'm going to paint 4 small closets and finish painting the kitchen cupboards, but, for now I'm done!  And, now we will see what the future holds...

Look who turned 5 today.  We celebrated his Star Wars birthday on Saturday.  FIVE YOU ARE says "Yoda".  Sissy Lynn helped with the banners that the figures are holding.  

Happy Birthday, Bennett!  
You are loved with an everlasting love.

And, Trent and I have been married for 6 years this past Saturday.  I'm so thankful for him.