Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Back to Aprons and my 100th Post!

Remember these?

(This is my first and only one I have left, where did they all go?)

These photos are from one of my early posts...seems like a long time ago. The idea of these aprons came to me when my sister and I were preparing for our first show.  

We needed something to put our cash in and be hands free.   

I made an apron from mini skirts and we had a lot of positive feedback about our little aprons.

They really are a ton of fun to make and wear.  So easy, so inexpensive, and can put a little funk into an outfit.

So, why am I pulling these out of the early days?  Because the cute Jenny Doh has this thing going on and I thought I would reminisce a little since it is my 100th post!  Thanks for all your comments and your thoughts.  I never thought I would last this long in blog world!


  1. Toooo cute! You and your aprons Fun girl!
    XOXO Sending Love!

  2. So fun, Karla. I love aprons that have been upcycled from skirts and pants that have built-in pockets ... so functional. I love the photo of you in front of your booth wearing the one with the pink fringe. So dang cute. Thanks for showing us part of your collection. Jenny :)
